What It Means to be Freshly Pressed.

This past weekend has been one hell of a rollercoaster ride. Originally, after being Freshly Pressed on Friday, I thought things would die out by Saturday mid-day. Wow, was I wrong. It’s Sunday afternoon and the likes and comments continue to roll in.

Clearly it could be overlooked, so I had to add the big red arrow.


Here’s looking at you, Kidman.

One of the best parts of WordPress’ Freshly Pressed posts is looking forward to the bloggers’ post-Freshly Pressed thoughts. Laying out the nitty-gritty and quick.

With a whopping 50+ hour experience with Freshly Pressed, I’ve seen the good and the bad. Get ready:

1) You will meet some new, amazingly talented writers.
This clearly is the best “pro” to being Freshly Pressed. My comment responses are up to date, but over the week I need to visit all the blogs that ‘liked’ the post to see their content and possibly network even further. Let me just take a moment here to push up my nerd-o glasses.

Even having only checked out some blogs that left comments, I’ve already come across several new writers that have a style that grabs my eye. I love meeting new enthusiastic writers and readers!

2) You should not neglect your email inbox, or at least shut off email notifications.
I was really proud of myself when I was keeping up on WordPress with notifications and comments. Until this morning when I lazily stretched for my phone, held it above my face, and proceeded to almost smash out my front teeth by dropping it. 436 emails. That’s so serious it gets the bolditalic, and the freaking underline.

credit: betterphoto.com

If missing front teeth were normally this cute, Grandpas world-wide could re-define the TV series, The Bachelor.
[photo credit: betterphoto.com] 

3) People reading your blog via Freshly Pressed are only getting a tiny glimpse of who you are as a writer.
Out of the almost 200 comments and likes I’ve received, I’ve only had about three negative or off-putting (read: asshole) comments. That’s a really great response, but for someone who truly is sensitive despite the tough cookie shell, it can hurt a bit.

But that’s writing – that’s being vulnerable and putting yourself out there for the sake of your writing growth. With new readers only catching a glimpse, be ready to have some misunderstanding of what you meant in your writing.

4) People will make very personal assumptions about you as a person, based off of a three-minute reading.
I have been called agoraphobic and I have also been “diagnosed” with an anxiety disorder with psychosomatic symptoms, per a few non-psychologist WordPress readers. Obviously they missed the memo on needing a solid decade of medical school.

I have a degree in Psychology. I have over a year’s worth of graduate level clinical psychology experience and I worked in mental health for eight years, with a specialization in trauma victims and crisis intervention.

Therapy? I love the idea of it. Who the hell wouldn’t want a third-party neutral person to pass their daily shit along to, no consequences at all? Even if you wouldn’t enjoy it, your spouse would enjoy if you went because they’d hear less bitching and complaining.

With that said, I’ve asked therapists about this lingering homesickness when I have to be away from home more than I am home. They all say unless it interferes with my daily life and activities, there’s not a thing to worry about.

Well, I work full-time at a college running a testing center, I am in graduate school preparing to receive my Master’s Degree this December (and I’m currently summa cum laude), I have a three-year relationship with the most thoughtful man I’ve ever met, I visit family every weekend, and I love travelling and going on adventures with my guy.

This is not to sound conceited – this is to give examples to all these new readers and visitors: “Homesick” is just a tiny glimpse of who I am as a person. Many of my posts have dry and sarcastic humor that can be lost to new readers. Please don’t make silly assumptions off of 703 words; that reader habit would be a great disservice to all writers!

5) You will get beautiful congratulatory flowers from your significant other.**

cat and flowers

** And they will promptly be eaten by something in the feline variety.

20 responses to “What It Means to be Freshly Pressed.

  1. This is a great post. And congratulations on getting freshly pressed. I’m surprised to see that there are negatives to this. I guess this just goes to show that there really are two sides to every story.

    • Thank you! It’s unfortunate, but it’s also to be expected in a consumer-driven situation. Readers all have different tastes and interests and because of that, some are just simply going to dislike your writing, or completely misunderstand your writing. In the end, if there’s more good response than bad, you know you’re on to something 😉

  2. Well. This FP thing sounds like a lot of work. While I’m super happy you got noticed (and rightly so) its a drag that it brought out a couple of nasties…ignore them. But you know that. And I love your WHOLE blog…even if the pic of your kitty freaks me out a little. 🙂 Congrats again…!!!!

    • Thank you! It’s like all things in life – a little good and a little bad. Luckily, my experience has been overwhelmingly more good than bad 🙂 I’m very happy to have been Freshly Pressed.

      And don’t worry about my cat creeping you out. She creeps me out on a regular basis. That’s how she rolls.

  3. Great piece of work. Balance … all about good and bad … keeps us in perspective. Cheers!

  4. Congrats again on ‘Freshly Pressed’. And thanks for the run down on the good and the bad. Great things to keep in mind!

    • Ha, I haven’t been the biggest fan of people getting overly personal with me after reading one post. It can feel a bit like an invasion or something. I keep wondering ~ who are these people and why are they acting like my doctor? Very silly experience!

  5. Congrats on getting freshly pressed!! Well deserved 🙂

  6. Great post. I really enjoyed your FP article. It felt very vulnerable and yet very self-aware. I appreciate your perspective on the opportunities being FP presents, and I look forward to reading more of your work in the future and getting a fuller, broader, even more honest picture of your writing! Great work. And thanks for sharing 🙂

    • Thank you very much – I’m glad you could see the balance of vulnerability and awareness. I appreciate your kind words and look forward to learning more of your writing as well 🙂

  7. Love the last comment about the flower and your hungry cat 🙂 Congrats!! Keep it up! Love the two perspectives!

  8. Do you think there is a better chance of being freshly pressed with stand alone posts as opposed to multiple part posts? — I’m thinking yes.

  9. One more question: How long between the time you posted and the time it was published on Freshly Pressed?

  10. Congrats on being Freshly Pressed! You are an excellent writer who certainly deserves this honor! I just had this experience last Saturday when my poem was Freshly Pressed. My poem titled, “A different knowhow,” was inspired by Nature and advocated environmental awareness that values intrinsic worth of creatures in and of themselves, apart from our human perceptions. The day it was featured, I was volunteering at a local Nature Center, weed whacking along the trails, so I couldn’t respond in real time to my comments. The ironies of life just keep building, I tell you! Better to walk the walk and talk the talk, I guess! Keep up the great work on your blog, my friend! BTW, I have 2 cats and 2 dogs and adore the photo of your cat 🙂

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