Category Archives: Writing

My Writing Process: A Blog Tour.

Back when I was first getting my bearings in the WordPress world, an amazing blogger came across my path. Tracie from Life in the Wylde West has been a positive voice on my blog from the first day, always encouraging me and sharing her warmth and kindness.

Whenever I would log in to check my notifications, Tracie’s name would be sitting atop the list with support, love, and sincerity. I can now say that Tracie is more than just a fellow blogger, she is a good friend. Even if the entire United States lies between our states of residence, she is near and dear to my heart! I was honored when she tagged me for the writing process blog tour.

And if you haven’t stopped by Tracie’s yet to appreciate her amazing photography talent, my oh my are you missing out!

blog tour

What am I working on as a writer?
I’m working on developing new ideas for inspiring blog posts. Offline, I’ve been writing a fictional novel. I’ve always dreamed of finishing the novel I started writing back in 2010, and I’m hoping to do just that this year.

How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I’m not sure what genre my writing is, to be honest. I try to be inspirational, to give a strong voice to help others through situations they haven’t faced before. As far as being a lifestyle blogger, my work differs from others in the genre. I focus less on prompts such as ‘Friday Faves‘ and focus more on writing tales and lessons in life.

Why do I write what I do?
I write to track my journey in life. I love looking back over the years and seeing the different phases and mindsets of life. I also write in hopes of reaching others who feel lost. It’s a big world out there and plenty of situations can leave you scratching your head, saying, “Am I the only one who has gone through this?” I enjoy building communities and offering a place of comfort for anyone who needs it.

How does my writing process look?
My writing process is messy. I tend to be extremely organized in all business pursuits, but when it comes to creative pursuits, I just go with the flow. Whenever I have an idea for a blog post, I jot it down in the closest notebook. After that, I either take pictures to go with the blog post or I search for fitting images from stock-free photography. From there, I let my fingers do the typing and my mind do the imagining. After 3-5 edits (there’s that perfectionist), I publish the post and begin sharing it across social media sites.

For this blog tour, I’m tagging Luanne from The Writer Site. Luanne is one of the first writers I discovered through WordPress. I adore her memoir reviews and writings… she has an amazing talent of painting an image in her readers’ minds!

What does your writing process look like?
What motivates you to write?